This year's Annual Meeting will be held in person at the Lansing Board of Water & Light’s REO Town Depot and we will have another great lineup of presentations to inform you of the latest happenings on the trails, and updates at FLRT!
Renew your membership in advance to save time at check-in -
Renewing your membership just keeps getting easier! We recently renovated our website, with clearer options for donating: a $25 donation gets you a vote in our Board election; a $50 donation adds a sweet FLRT tech shirt; and best of all, for $100 and up you get a newly designed FLRT hoodie!
5:30 - 6:00 Registration/food and drinks
6:00 - Welcome with President Kip Bohne
6:15 - 7:00 Speakers
Lauren Ross - FLRT Trail Ambassador Program
Wendy Longpre - City of East Lansing
Tim Morgan & Nicole Walle - Ingham County
Brett Kaschinske - City of Lansing
Younes Ishraidi - Meridian Township
Q&A (5-10 minutes each speaker)
7:00 Closing Remarks with President Kip Bohne
Renew online today at